March 17th, 2021

Summary: One year later and we still in quarantine
About Artist: Todrick Hall is one of the most talented people in the biz. I’ve gone to many of his shows and he is one hell of a performer. I can’t say enough about his creativity, versatility and just his raw talent. He is a queer icon and all around entertainment threat.
About Song: This song is a remix of his earlier hit “Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels”. This song is by no means my favorite Todrick Hall song but on the one year anniversary of my quarantine I thought it’d be appropriate.
Favorite Part: Love the concept and love that he’s spoofing his own song
Other:Todrick Hall Wikipedia
May 21st, 2020

Summary: The CD runs 77 minutes in 50 tracks featuring over 60 artists. I hope you find your new favorite song. I know we can all use a little more music in our lives rights now.
About: I wanted to create a mixtape that had a little something for everybody. The tracks are edited to be short but offer a glimpses into pop hits and odd audial obscurities and alike. A project of the quarantine.
Other: Enjoy some easy listening or get out Shazam and find your new favorite song!
October 22nd, 2017

DOWNLOAD MP3 WyclefJean-HoldingOnTheEdgeftWalkTheMoon.mp3
Summary: I’m holdin on the edge.
About Artist: Wyclef Jean is hip hop royalty as he is one third of the immortal group the Fugees.
About Song: This song was in the queue right before the blog went dark past February. In early 2017 I had several songs of off Wyclef’s “J’ouvert” in rotation.
Favorite Part: “Invincible emotion,
look alive look alive.
Surrender to the ocean,
you could dive you could dive,
but you waitin for the, just waiting for the,
one moment you could,
fall but you might fly so holdin on the edge,
for dear life.
Take a dive take a dive.
Holding On The Edge Lyrics
February 10th, 2015

DOWNLOAD MP3 MarkRonson-FeelRightftMystikal.mp3
Summary:Some Mark Ronson whiteboy funk with some in your face Mystikal rap
About Artist: Mark Ronson is a UK musician/producer. He produced Amy Winehouse’s “Rehab” and has worked with Adele, Christina Aguilera, and Bruno Mars among others. I fist heard of Mark Ronson on Wale’s “100 Miles and Runnin” (one of my top 5 mixtapes of all time). It turns out that Mark Ronson has had a hand in several more Wale mixtapes as well. I then ran into to Mark Ronson on Rhymefest’s “The Man In the Mirror” which is an awesome Michael Jackson tribute project. Mark Ronson also gave a Ted Talk on Music Sampling (which kinda pissed me off but whatever). Most recently Mark Ronson blew up with his and Bruno Mars’ song Uptown Funk, which is a great song despite the fact that it plagued the radio.
Mystikal was once a huge force in hip hop, with songs like “Shake Ya Ass”, “Danger”, “Move Bitch (w/ Ludacris)”, “Bouncin Back” and others. Despite his platinum success Mystikal commited sexual battery (forcing his hairstylist to give him oral sex) and extortion. For this he spent six years in prison from 2004-2010. He’s been trying to come back ever since. In 2010 he had a song I really liked called “Set Me Free“.
About Song: This song is off of Mark Ronson’s “Uptown Special” (2014).
Favorite Part: I just like that Mystikal is back in music and it’s an interesting combo him and Mark Ronson.
The best part is the break at 2:35.
Mark Ronson Wikipedia
Mystikal Wikipedia
February 4th, 2015

DOWNLOAD MP3 Royal-DevilPt1.mp3
Summary: A little pop R&B
About Artist: I have no clue who royal is except that they recently came out with a debut Cycles EP. Their website is awesome, well designed, and they have a link to download their EP straight from their dropbox.
About Song: This is one of 5 songs off of Royal’s debut EP.
Favorite Part: I really like the chorus, it keeps getting stuck in my head. The pan flute type thing in the background doing arpeggios is cool too.
Royal Official Website
January 31st, 2015

DOWNLOAD MP3 KeroOne-WhenTheSunshineComes.mp3
Summary: Sounds like John Mayer meet Korea.
About Artist: Kero One is a Korean American rapper/producer based in the bay area. Since 2006 Kero One has been quite successful overseas and has gained recognition in the states as well. I’m a big fan and he has lots and lots of good songs and good albums. The Korean alternative hip hop group Epik High is also involved in this song (on some of the verse I guess). The sweet vocals are courtesy of UK instrumentalist/DJ/vocalist Ben West Beech
About Song: This song is off of Kero One’s 4th album Early Believers (2009). I don’t really know what the song’s about but there is an english version here (not sure if the lyrics are the same).
Favorite Part: I really like the vocals in the chorus but also love the Korean rap. I like the hard consonants and the diction.
Kero One Wikipedia
Kero One Wikipedia
Kero One Wikipedia
January 26th, 2015
CeeLoGreen-WHoEverLovesMeAudio Player
DOWNLOAD MP3 CeeLoGreen-WHoEverLovesMe.mp3
Summary: Short little Monday diddy.
About Artist: Cee Lo Green, the one and only soul machine. Cee Lo is now pretty famous but has had a much longer career than people realize going back to Goodie Mob and Gnarls Barkley.
It should also be noted that Cee Lo is a rapist.
About Song: This is song a little track off of a project called TV On the Radio that Cee Lo dropped on SoundCloud last week.
Favorite Part: I just like Cee Lo’s voice and this is a nice short little tune.
Cee Lo Green Wikipedia
January 23rd, 2015
Tuxedo-DoItAudio Player
DOWNLOAD MP3 Tuxedo-DoIt.mp3
Summary: Hooray for Friday!
Do you love Uptown Funk but can’t stand to listen to it one more time?
About Artist: Tuxedo is one part white soul boy Mayer Hawthorne, one part underground hip hop producer Jake One. They recently came together to form Tuxedo and plan to put out a debut album later this year.
About Song: This really gets at the disco vibe at the heart of Tuxedo. With Uptown Funk getting so much play time I thought now would be a good time to share this track.
Favorite Part: I love that funky disco vibe. Ain’t no reason why this song isn’t all over the radio.
Mayer Hawthorne Wikipedia
Jake One Wikipedia
January 21st, 2015
FloRida-GDFRAudio Player
Summary: If you liked Turn Down for What or Talk Dirty to Me, you’ll love this. Get the Instrumental version here
About Artist: Flo Rida is the radio rapper known for such classics as Low (ft. T-Pain) and Right Round (ft. Ke$ha). Sage the Gemini is more of an underground California rapper but became famous with his single Gas Pedal.
About Song: This is a song off of Flo Rida’s upcoming album The Perfect 10, which I don’t think I’ll be listening to.
Favorite Part: This song isn’t very good. But the drop, oh the drop. I’m just a sucker for that sound at 1:09. I downloaded the instrumental and I have to say I like it more than this version so…
Flo Rida Wikipedia
Sage the Gemini Wikipedia
June 28th, 2014
PhilAde-HappyRoyalFamRemixAudio Player
DOWNLOAD MP3 PhilAde-HappyRoyalFamRemix.mp3
Summary: Been missin Phil Ade’s flow. (Old song I know)
About Artist: Phil Ade is a DC rapper who I really got into into 2010.
About Song: This song should have been posted months ago. Not much to say about it but it’s a great flow on a catchy pharrell track. Try to enjoy like you haven’t heard the original a million times
Favorite Part:
Phil Ade’s flow just keeps. on. going.
Phil Ade
Pharrell Wikipedia
March 6th, 2014
Pharrell-KnowWhoYouAreftAliciaKeysAudio Player
DOWNLOAD MP3 Pharrell-KnowWhoYouAreftAliciaKeys.mp3
Summary: Pharrell’s new album G I R L was a bit of a let down but I like this track.
About Artist: Pharrell Williams is the hip hop producer, suave singer, style trendsetter, super talented musician extrodinaire. Alicia Keyes is a R&B queen (also a talented musician and piano player).
About Song: This song is off of Pharrell’s recently released album G I R L. The album was only 10 tracks and was a bit of a let down but how could it not be with such high expectations. Happy was of course the lead single from the album but along with that and this Alicia Keys track track I really liked the outro ‘It Girl’ .
Favorite Part:
Though it’s a little repetitive I really like the hook especially when Alicia Keys sings it. It’s easy listening and it makes me feel good.
Pharrell Wikiepedia
Aicia Keys Wikipedia
March 1st, 2014
JustinTimberlake-TKOBlackFridayRemixJColeASAPRockyPushaTAudio Player
DOWNLOAD MP3 JustinTimberlake-TKOBlackFridayRemixJColeASAPRockyPushaT.mp3
Summary: Not New, still good.
About Artist: Nothing to say today. This is just a good hip hop improvement on a pop song.
About Song: This was a song I mean to post a while ago. Was probably bumping this most in December 2013 (maybe earlier?) This sons is just a better version of JT’s original TKO
Favorite Part:
Reminds me of the raw fcking power of just being in love.
TKO Remix Lyrics (via RapGenius)
Justin Timberlake Wikipedia
J. Cole Wikipedia
A$AP Rocky Wikipedia
Pusha Wikipedia
February 25th, 2014
Pharrell-Happy Audio Player
DOWNLOAD MP3 Pharrell-Happy.mp3
Summary: This one was a huge hit but it’s still good.
About Artist: Pharrell runs shit. He’s been around forever and he’s never been biger. He capped off 2013 with Blurred Lines, Get Lucky, Move Yourself to Dance and this track (among others).
About Song: This song was featured on DespicableMe 2, but was been used to promo Pharrell’s upcoming album due out in March.
Favorite Part:
It’s just so damn catchy.
Pharrell Wikipedia
January 2nd, 2014
Beyonce-DrunkInLoveftJayZ Audio Player
DOWNLOAD MP3Beyonce-DrunkInLoveftJayZ.mp3
Summary: Happy New Year! Here’s to 2014 A Year of Love!
About Artist: Beyonce just keeps getting better. How does she do it? I have no idea.
About Song: This song is off of Beyonce ‘surprise’ album that she just dropped. Already this songs is dominating the radio. Jay-Z pretty much sucks on this song but the hook and the baseline are just sooo good.
Favorite Part:
I like the chorus, just Beyonce’s growly voice and the super sick base line on this track.
Reminds me of the raw fcking power of just being in love.
Beyonce Wikipedia