DOWNLOAD MP3 Fashawn-StrangeFruitRemixftJohnLegendCommon.mp3 Summary: Shout out to Sean “Juan” Talia for showing me this! About Artist: Fashawn is a 21 year old rapper out of Fresno CA. He was featured on the cover of XXL as part of the 2010 freshman class. His indepentaly released debut album “Boy Meets World” was critically acclaimed as was several of his smallar projects including “Ode to Illmatic” and “The Layover EP”. Fashawn is super talented lyrically and remains true to the core of Hip Hop, as shown here in this song. Common is well past his hayday but remains somewhat of a legend and has cemented his spot as a timeless conscious rapper (conscious meaning that he raps about important political and social issues through the lense of the hip hop struggle). Last of course is John Legend, R&B pianist who was pulled from obscurity by Kanye West early in the 2000s. About Song: This song is reinterpretation of Billie Holiday’s Strange Fruit. If your not familiar with Strange Fruit and the story behind it get educated here. I love John Legend’s chorus on this remix and how the song still maintains it’s haunting feel. Favorite Part: Common does what he does best on this song by just telling a story.
Also Fashawn is pretty profound 2:45-3:25 Other Fashawn Wikipedia Common Wikipedia John Legend Wikipedia Strange Fruit Wikipedia
Here’s a video of Billie Holiday’s original Strange Fruit
DOWNLOAD MP3 BoB-BeastMode.mp3 Summary: “Single” from B.o.B’s brand new Mixtape “No Genre” About Artist: B.o.B (aka Bobby Ray) now needs no introduction but before he was world famous he was makin some of my favorite songs. While he’s famous now in the Pop genre he is one of the most diverse artists out there now (aka he can bang as a rapper too) and is definitely in my top 5 current rappers. About Song: This song shows B.o.B’s lyrical side especially in the face of haters that say he’s gone all Pop. Favorite Part: There are so many good parts but my favorite might be
“Some-times-I-rhyme-like-I’m-inside-Einsteins-mind” (1:35)
“I’m kinda like a blur with these words, guess im just reserved with these verbs
Running at a hundred kilometers
man Pretty soon I’mma leave Earth” (2:01) Other B.o.B aka Bobby Ray Wikipedia
DOWNLOAD MP3 LilKim-BlackFridayNickiMinajDiss.mp3 Summary: Nicki Minaj’s album dropped a couple weeks ago to mainly negative reviews, this track dropped the same day. Lil Kim strikes back on Nicki who’s disses Kim multiple time About Artist: Lil Kim has fallen off since her height in the late 90’s when she ran with then Puff Daddy and Notorious B.I.G About Song: This song is a straight diss on Nicki Minaj who has recently escalated her aggressiveness in her lines against lil Kim. Kim’s line are over Pharoah Monch’s classic beat from Simon Says Favorite Part:
“I seen ‘em come, I seen go, I still remain
sweety, you going on your 14th minute of fame
I’m over 10 years strong still running the game
cut the comparisons, I’m in the legendary lane
fighting for ya spot, y’all please, I’m solidified” Other: Lil Kim Wikipedia
DOWNLOAD MP3 KSparks-BlackMagicftAhmad.mp3 Summary: Great track. The rap is ok but the soul vibe is money. About Artist: K. Sparks is an unknown from Queens NY. I never heard of him before but I’ve listened to some of his mixtures and he’s definitly got skills. About Song: This song is off of The Trilogy Chapter 2: The Demonstration. To me the guy in the track sounds exactly like Brother Ali but I guess it’s not… Favorite Part:If you know me you know I love this track mainly for it’s horns and the use of the Black Magic sample and the fact that the track just rides out for the last minute of the song. Other K. Sparks Official Website
DOWNLOAD MP3 Jay-Z-SummerInBrooklynftLilWayne.mp3 Summary: This is the Coolin Soul Remix of Jay-Z’s Hello Brooklyn off of American Gangster. About Artist: Jay-Z, Lil Wayne. About Song: This is the Coolin Soul Remix of Jay-Z’s Hello Brooklyn off of American Gangster. The remix also samples Passin Me By by The Parcyde Favorite Part: Other Jay-Z Wikipedia Lil Wayne Wikipedia
CHECK OUT THIS CRAZY VISUAL. This song is actually much better with the acompaning video.
DOWNLOAD MP3 Stromae-AlorsOnDanseftKanyeWestGilbereForte.mp3 Summary: I wasn’t gonna post this song but I heard it all weekend on the dance floor so.. here it is. About Artist: Stromae is some Euro/Techno/HipHop guy… I think this is his only notable song About Song: This song is very close to Stromae’s original but with a nice little ‘Ye mixed in Favorite Part: The whole thing is just good on the dance floor Other This one goes out MOSES! Stromae Wikipedia
DOWNLOAD MP3 Wale-TheProblem.mp3 Summary: NOT a party song. This is the intro track of Wale’s AWESOME mixtpe More About Nothin About Artist: Wale is a “speak to truth” rapper from DC. He’s one of the most authentic rappers in the game right now. He has crazy style both fashion and lyrically, his wordplay is out of this world and infused on Go-Go beats from the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia). As such Wale is in my top 5 current Rappers. His mixture More About Nothin (link above) is highly recommended. Wale’s debut album, Attention Deficit” kinda flopped but you can bet he’ll be back! About Song: This is the intro track of Wale’s AWESOME mixtpe More About Nothin. This track just shows off the poetry of Wale’s words. It also speaks to the troubles surround Wale’s debut album “Attention Deficit”. Favorite Part: Love the soft poetry in the beginning. Also love when the drums come in at 2:57.
“So a nigga hungry as a plastic hippopotamus
So stoppers better take it in the blood like a phlebotomist”
“It’s just my fate, lemme chill, nah flip,
my shit was submarine like, under ship ”
(1:58) -This whole part of the song talk about how Interscope didn’t ship enough records to outlets and botched the release of his album. Other Wale Wikipedia
DOWNLOAD MP3 BoB-ServiceWithASmile.mp3 Summary: Ain’t new but whatever. About Artist: B.o.B (aka Bobby Ray) now needs no introduction but before he was world famous he was makin some of my favorite songs. While he’s famous now in the Pop genre he is one of the most diverse artists out there now (aka he can bang as a rapper too) and is definitely in my top 5 current rappers. About Song: This song is off of BoB’s “Who the Fuck is BoB” mixtape from 2007 or 2008. This is just BoB being BoB funny and creative :P Favorite Part: Listen to how these lyrics are delivered (it’s awesome)
“Damn girl I’m common over so we can blow an O,
and if you ain’t gon serve then I’m goin home (goodbye),
No I ain’t no monster, I just like some dome (c’mon),
It’s healthy for your jaw bones they’ll be nice and strong.
Let’s skip the chit chat, and lets get back to the room baby,
and feel on my six pack while I dig that in your womb baby,
and now your screaming more back, and more and more and more back,
it’s kinda like a kodak, moment when you throat that (huh)”
(1:53) Other: Just listen to the lyrics :) Who doesn’t like good service? :)
DOWNLOAD MP3 ChrisetteMichele-90210MarilynMonroe.mp3 Summary: This is a remix of Wale’s 90210. About Artist: Chrisette Michele is most comparable to Janelle Monae. She is very soulful and represents part of the moment for positive black female image. Not that Rihanna or Beyonce are negative images (they are both beautiful and black) but the soulfulness of Chrisette, Janelle and Wale for that matter are more in the vein of the “Black is Beautiful” campaign. About Song: This song is in that black is beautiful vein mentioned above. It speaks directly to images of beauty and barrage of images that inhibit self confidence in all, but especially, black girls. Favorite Part: “..I’d be perfect like Ashley Simpson’s nose” (1:38) Other: This is off her mixtape “Love Thy Brother” which is the best overall tape I’ve hear in a long time! GET IT!
DOWNLOAD MP3 KanyeWest-AllOfTheLightsftRihanna.mp3 Summary: This is not an “Official Version” About Artist: Kanye West, heard of him…? Rihanna…? Just read the wikipedia links below if you live under a rock. About Song: This song will be the second sinlge off of Kanye’s next album “My Dark Twisted Fantasy” out November 22nd. This song isn’t in its official version yet, but it is rumored that the track will be close to ten miniutes long and feature everyone and their moms’. All I know is that this song is gonna be HUGE. Should hit the radio in a few weeks :)
Also I’m completely obsessed with this song. Favorite Part: Um where do I start? The Horns? The woops on the drum beat? The drum beat? Kanye’s part in the chorus? Everything besides Ribhanna’s hook, which isn’t that bad, is my favorite part.
“All of the lights
Cop lights, flash lights, spot lights
Strobe lights, street lights
(all of the lights, all of the lights)
Fast life, drug life
Thug life, rock life
Every night
(all of the lights)”
(1:22) F’ckin Epic
DOWNLOAD MP3 QuincyJonesSoulBossaNostraftLudacrisNaturally7RudyCurrence.mp3 Summary: A reinterpretation of a classic. About Artist: Quincy Jones is the super oldschool king of production (check out the wikipedia page below). Ludacris is the notorious party king of the south. Naturall 7 is an kind of hip hop acapella group and Rudy Currence is a guy that runs with Luda’s semi-defunct Distrubing Tha Peace. About Song: This songs off of an album dropping early November which will have a ton of freatued artsit reinterpety classic Quincy Jones Song. The original here is of course Soul Bossa Nova. Favorite Part: I like the way the track is reworked, i like the added smooth vocals, and the way Luda’s rougher style is like butter on the track. Other Quincy Jones Wikipedia Ludacris Wikipedia Naturally 7
DOWNLOAD MP3 Wale-Soup.mp3 Summary: This is another great song off of Wale’s semi-recent mixtape More About Nothing About Artist: Wale is a DC whom I absolutely love. Search the blog for Wale and I’m sure you’ll find a ton of posts. About Song: This is a classic go-go style Wale song. Favorite Part: I love the go-go beat and the way Seinfeld is mixed in Other Wale Wikipedia
DOWNLOAD MP3 Juvenile-HeadbangerftBoB.mp3 Summary: Something Sensual, you may not like it but… About Artist: Juvenile is the creator of the ever popular “Back that ass up” song. B.o.B now world famous is still underrated as one of the most talented individuals in Hip-Hop. About Song: This song is off of Juvenile’s album “Beast Mode” from this pas summer. I haven’t listened to the album so I can’t speak to the whole album but if it’s anything like this song. Favorite Part: Just like this song in general. Other B.o.B aka Bobby Ray Wikipedia Juvenile Wikipedia
DOWNLOAD MP3 SolomonBurke-DontGiveUpOnMe.mp3 Summary: THIS IS NOT HIP HOP but…. Solomon Burke died today and I was just reminded of this song I used to love and I just had to put it up here. About Artist: R.I.P. Solomon Burke