Eminem – Not Afraid

May 10th, 2010

DOWNLOAD MP3 Eminem-NotAfraid.mp3
Summary: Eminem single from Recovery
About Artist: Eminem is the highly regarded rapper from Detroit. Despite being known for his explicit lyrics, the violent and crazy content of his songs, as well has his just don’t give a fck attitude, he sold more albums from 2000-2010 than anyone else, anyone. He released an awesome freestyle called Despicable, which you can listen to HERE in promotion of Not Afraid.
About Song: This track is the first single off of his next, and 7th, album “Recovery”Favorite Verse:. Originally called Relapse 2, Eminem suddenly decided to take it in a different direction, scrap the old tracks, and create the new album “Recovery”.
Favorite Lines:
“And to the fans, I’ll never let you down again, I’m back
I promise to never go back on that promise, in fact
Let’s be honest, that last Relapse CD was “ehhhh”
Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground
Relax, I ain’t going back to that now
All I’m tryna say is get back, click-clack BLAOW”
(1:42-1:57) In this line he admits that Relapse was not up to his own standards
Other: It is interesting to see how Eminem changes with the times while maintaining his style. I don’t know what to think about his singing, but it does get in your head
Eminem Wikipedia
Recovery Wikipedia
Not Afraid Wikipedia


Estelle – Pretty Please (Love Me)(ft. Cee-Lo)(prod. by Jack Splash)

May 9th, 2010

DOWNLOAD MP3 Estelle-PrettyPleaseLoveMeftCee-LoprodbyJackSplash.mp3
Summary: Hardly Hip Hop. For the mainstream (and the girls). Not New.
About Artist: Estelle is a British R&B singer possibly most famous for her single American Boy (ft. Kanye West) from her 2008 album Shine. Cee-Lo is probably known most for being half of Gnarls Barkey with DJ Danger Mouse. Cee-Lo is a super creative funk, hip hop, R&B, artist with a unique voice and an even more unique musical sound. Jack Splash mainly works on production for pop music like this song and is releasing his debut album “Technology and Love Might Save us all…” sometime this summer.
About Song: This is a 2008 song off of Estelle’s Shine. I hadn’t heard it in a long time but it came on my iTunes and I remember how, despite being kinda girly, I really liked it. The song was the 4th single off her album and despite not receiving much airplay appeared on the second volume of the Sex and the City movie soundtrack.
Favorite Lines:
I mainly like the song for its choruses but I also like Cee-Lo’s verse at 1:23
Estelle Wikipedia
Cee-Lo Wikipedia
Jack Splash Official Website


Pac Div – Birds (ft. Pill)

May 8th, 2010

DOWNLOAD MP3 PacDiv-BirdsftPill.mp3
Summary: Something Hard. Westcoast. Good Speakers Required!
About Artist: PacDiv is a young west coast, L.A. area, trio who were friends in high school. While very young (they describe themselves as big kids) there sound is very traditional modled after early 90s rap. They are full of engergy (GREAT LIVE), and have beats that just BUMP! If you don’t have nice speakers this song and others aren’t worth listening to. While PacDiv doesn’t do a lot of different styles they have really perfected their sound and if you got something to bump this on I would highly recommend downloading both their mixtapes Church League Champions and Don’t Mention It. Pill is and ATL rapper who was featured in the XXL Freshman 2010 among Big Sean, Wiz Khalifa and J. Cole.
About Song: This song if off of their third mixtape Don’t Mention It. If this song isn’t for you but you like this genre download the tape and check the rest out. Pac Div has a strong L.A. sound and is worth checking out even if you don’t like this song specifically.
Favorite Lines:
“They wanna flock now…”
-(0:06-0:08) with the bird sounds on the beat and the hooting at 0:31
“They tryin work they way up from the rock bottom, and they’ll slurp it all up like it’s top ramen…”
“…she fucking ball players, rap stars, entertainers, got 2 baby daddies and 3 twitter pages,
this is outrageous, this is absurd, she call herself a diva I call that bitch a bird”
-(1:57-2:08) Misogynist? probably. Good Rap? definitely
Pac Div Wikipedia
Pill Wikipedia


Leftside – I Love Breast

May 7th, 2010

DOWNLOAD MP3 Leftside-ILoveBreast.mp3
Summary: This is a remix of I Am Blessed
About Artist: I have no clue who this dude is.
About Song: This is just a funny song that my friend showed me. The melody can really get stuck in your head and I put it up here cause I don’t really have anything else like this musically up here. I guess its technically house music but its close enough to Hip Hop in its broadest sense.
Favorite Verse I don’t know if there is a favorite verse it’s just a funny song
Other Check out the original song I Am Blessed on youtube HERE


B.o.B – Paperboy (ft. Charles Hamilton)

May 6th, 2010

DOWNLOAD MP3 BoB-PaperboyftCharlesHamilton.mp3
Summary: Just a random track from a few months ago
About Artist: B.o.B is an awesome and versatile musician. His debut album The Adventures of Bobby Ray was the number one selling album last week, it’s all over iTunes. Check out older Bobby Ray posts HERE
About Song: This is just some collabo track with everyone’s favorite (jk), Charles Hamilton.
Favorite Lines:
“I got skills
Nunchuck Skills
Rowing SKills
Bowing Skills
Im pretty much Flowin still so I guess I got Boating skills
But are you sewing quilts
All On This like Hoes on Stilts
So I tilt on like rollin wheels
Ya’ll fall down like bowling Pills
Bowling pins I dont know here I go floatin again
Up into the sky like smoke into the wind
Up to the Ozone again”
Paperboy Lyrics
B.o.B. Wikipedia
Charles Hamilton Wikipedia


Wale – Breakup Song

May 5th, 2010

DOWNLOAD MP3 Wale-BreakupSong.mp3
Summary: Wale says “for the lovers and those with broken hearts :)”
About Artist: Wale is one of my favorite rappers. He’s from DC and has a TON of great mixtures including “100 Miles and Running” which may be my favorite mixtape ever. Check out other Wale songs on the blog HERE. Wale’s debut album “Attention Deficit” came out last year and the popularity of it was a huge disappointment. I still think Wale is one of the most talented and creative guys in the game but has recently faded from the cutting edge without putting out that much music as of late.
About Song: This is just a standalone track that Wale released on twitter about a month ago. It samples Stevie Wonder’s “All I Do”
Favorite Lines:
“Thought this was forever love
Guess that was just seasonal
She got back with her old boy
She’s probably had a reason though
Although thought that we would grow
Guess that wasn’t feasable
But we ain’t gotta be beefin tho
I miss you at my recent show…”
“Ya, tell me about the love of ours,
contemplate I wrote about her
We no longer close or nuttin
That’s why she ignore my flowers
And my call, and my text
spendin her time wit him I guess
I regret some shit I did but…”
-(1:15-1:27) This beginning of this line is in reference to Wale’s song Contemplate from Attention Deficit.
“Can we stay broken up
And all these pages close em up
I hope we both do learn from this
So my next don’t don’t gotta be so rough
Gotta get better wit time
Relationships should never rewind
Better leave it all behind
Guess that mean you can never be mine
Well, ummm, theres a but
Without your love it’s cold as fuck
Life is a movie we both say cut
But most the time darlin the sequel sucks.”
Wale Wikipedia


J. Cole – Who Dat

May 4th, 2010

DOWNLOAD MP3 JCole-WhoDat.mp3
Summary:Some Hot New J. Cole
About Artist: J Cole is a NC rapper signed with Jay-Z’s Roc Natio. He did a feature on “A Star is Born” on Jay-Z’s Bkueprint 3 and was on the cover of XXL as part of the 2010 freshmen class along with Donnis, Wiz Khalifa, Big Sean and others
About Song: This song is not part of any project as far as i know
Favorite Verse 2nd verse (1:27)
Other This is just some all around solid Hip Hop.
J. Cole Wikipedia


Trick Daddy – Take It To Da House (ft. SNS Express, Trina)

May 4th, 2010

DOWNLOAD MP3 TrickDaddy-TakeItToDaHouseftSNSExpressTrina.mp3
Summary: I performed this song for the Acoustics Final Show 2010. It was a night to remember. Thanks to all who were there, I will never forget it


Eminem – Despicable Freestyle

April 30th, 2010

DOWNLOAD MP3 Eminem-DespicableFreestyle.mp3
Summary: This is EXPLICIT! If you don’t appreciate an angry eminem then don’t listen
About Artist: Who doesn’t know Eminem. A lot of people remember him for the Real SLim Shady and believe he’s a raving crazo. However there are many things that most people don’t realize about Eminem. First, many people don’t realize that despite his angry and crazy content of his lyrics Eminem is greatly respected within the Hip Hop community as one of the best lyricists of all time. Also many people may not know that Eminem is the best selling artist of the decade (2000-2010) with more than 32 million albums sold! That’s right he sold more albums in the 2000s than any other musician in the world. While many people are turned off by Eminem’s violent lyrics, you can’t deny his rapping skills.
About Song: This song is a remix over Drake’s Over and Lloyd Banks’ Beamer, Benz or Bently. This song is just a track that leaked in promotion of Eminem’s next album Recovery due out June 21st. The first single form the album already dropped and is called Not Afraid. That song is also really good and I will probably put it up tomorrow.
Favorite Lines: “fuck that I’d rather turn this club to a bar room brawl
get as rowdy as Roesthlisberger in a bathroom stall,
like a leaf stuck in a vacuum your only nuttin but a whole lot of suckin’
goin’ on in rap “(0:28-0:36)
“It’ll never be my chair that your on
crown so tight that it cuts off circulation to the brain no oxygen
otherwords there’s no heir/air to the throne”
The break at (0:52-1:00)
“makes no difference whether a Benz or Bentley or a Beamers the car you in
you think you ball well I palm it
I throw up bombs when I vomit
boy I throw down in the kitchen might hit your mom with my omlette
but you got egg on your face now watch me drop an atomic
I should be strapped to the chest of a kamikaze
bitch I’m as bat shit as Ozzy it’s obvious
you can tell I go right off the bat
no pun intended but come any closer I’ll bite off your head
tryna give me the fingers kinda like giving a spider the web
I’m just gonna spin it and try to use it to my advantage
I catch a fly in that bitch you think you fly you just food
I give as much as a flying fuck as that superman do
guess I just do what you can’t do or make you look stupid and baboozled
confused as usual and you can get ripped she can open a can too” (1:22-2:01)
Other This song is not off of the album pictured right.
Eminem Wikipedia
Recovery Wikipedia
Despicable Freestyle LYRICS


Big L – How Will I Make It

April 29th, 2010

DOWNLOAD MP3 BigL-HowWillIMakeIt.mp3
Summary: Throwback Thursday (this is song is hard, and it may not be for everyone)
About Artist: Big L is a New York City Rapper from the early 90s. Big L came out with his first album “Lifestylez ov da Poor & Dangerous” in 1995. Big L was hailed as prolific lyricist and has several notable songs including Put It On and Da Gaveyard which features Jay-Z at 2:56. In February 1999 Big L was shot and killed in his home neighborhood in Harlem. At the time Big L’s brother was in prison and it is suspected that his murder is connected to a debt his brother owed.
Favorite Verse You gotta listen to all them. Listen to the Whole Story!
Other RIP Bil L, and to rap that doesn’t glamorize poverty and the hood.
Big L Wikipedia
How Will I Make It LYRICS


Waka Flocka Flame – O Lets Do It (Remix)(ft. Diddy, Rick Ross, Gucci Mane)

April 28th, 2010

DOWNLOAD MP3 WakaFlockaFlame-OLetsDoItRemixftDiddyRickRossGucciMane.mp3
Summary: Party Song
About Artist: Waka Flocka is a rapper who’s only hit is this song. He’s of the group of rappers like Gucci Mane, OJ da Juiceman or Soulja Boy who many criticizing for having absolutely no skills.
About Song: This song is a remix of the original which has much the same sound.
Favorite Verse Rick Ross’s verse at (0:59)
Waka Flocka Flame Wikipedia


B.o.B – The Kids (ft. Janelle Monae)

April 27th, 2010

DOWNLOAD MP3 BoB-TheKidsftJanelleMonae.mp3
Summary: “Pop-Radio Rap”. B.o.B presents the Adventures of Bobby Ray is out TODAY April 27th 2010. DOWNLOAD THE ALBUM ON ITUNES
About Artist: B.o.B (aka Bobby Ray) is an Atlanta singer/rapper/songwriter/producer/instrumentalist who is one of my current favorites. If you would like to know more about him read the artist bio on some of the OLDER B.o.B POSTS. His album is very pop sounding but the rap on some of his mixtures is CRAZY.
About Song: This song is a track off of his debut album “B.o.B presents the Adventures of Bobby Ray”. The song is slower and not hardcore Hip Hop by any means but the rap is nice and Jannele Monae appeals to a wide audience. Other features on the album include Lupe Fiasco, the singer from Weezer, Eminem and the lead singer from Paramore (sp?).
Favorite Verse “Well, since I was planted at birth I abandoned my old planet and I landed on Eatrth, as a kid I never ud understoof what I observed some of it was strange but most of it disturbin…” (0:40-1:22)
Other Seriously check out other B.o.B songs! He has something for everyone.
B.o.B Wikipedia


Trey Songz – Lil Freak (Remix)(prod. by Polow Da Don)

April 26th, 2010

DOWNLOAD MP3 TreySongz-LilFreakRemixprodbyPolowdaDon.mp3
About Artist: Trey Songz is an artist I’ve posted a lot of as of late (just search Songz in the search at the top) and is an artist I think has a lot of talent. Trey is a R&B singer / rapper / actor who might be known most for his song with Drake “I Invented Sex”. If you like this kind of music I would suggest taking a look at te other Trey Songz posts here.
About Song: This song is a remix of Usher’s lil Freak feat. Nicki Minaj. In my opinion this remix is far and away better than the original. I got to say that I really love the beat, produced by Polow da Don who produced a bunch of singles including Fergie’s “London Bridge”, and the Pussycat Dolls’ “Buttons”. I’ve included a link to the instrumental version below. Aside from the beat though Trey Songz does a great job over it.
Favorite Line The whole second verse is good (1:10)
Other This song is not off of the album pictured right. DOWNLOAD THE INSTRUMENTAL VERSION HERE
Trey Songz Wikipedia
Polow da Don Wikipedia


PackFM – Nasty (prod. by Domingo)

April 25th, 2010

DOWNLOAD MP3 PackFM-NastyprodbyDomingo.mp3
Summary: Lyricism Altert! This is not for everyone but if you like real rap and can appreciate a lyricist… (link to lyrics below)
About Artist: This is the first song I’ve ever heard from PackFM so I really don’t know anything about him but apparently he’s been around since 2001 and he’s from New York. His MySpace page says he was nominated in the Underground Music Awards in 2009 as best lyricist along with Cory Gunz, Pharaohe Monch, and Joell Ortiz.
About Song: This song is off his PackFM’s album “I Fucking Hate Rappers” due out on May 25th. THis track caught me ear both because of the sample but mostly because of the crazy lyricism. If you appreciate the art of rapping you should like song, despite some of the more disturbing lines.
Favorite Verse You need to listen to the entire song while looking at the lyrics! (link below)
PackFM Wikipedia
