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Seinabo Sey – Pistols At Dawn (Lucian x Mickey Valen Remix)

January 27th, 2015


SeinaboSey-PistolsAtDawnAudio Player

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Summary: ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME. #facemelting

About Artist: Seinabo is 24 year old black musician from Sweeden. She only started releasing music in 2013 and her original song Pistols At Dawn is an amazing song on it’s own. Lucia and Mickey Valen seem to be two semi-obscure remix producer dude from New York.

About Song: The original Pistols At Dawn is a great song but this remix kicks it up a notch.

Favorite Part: The song starts with some of that real soul that the original has, adds a little electronic pop in the middle, and rides out with the craziness!

The outro reminds me of C2C’s Down the Road

Seinabo Sey Wiki

Electronic, Soul, , ,