Posts in Category/Tag: CyHi the Prynce

CyHi the Prynce – Dance

July 11th, 2011


DOWNLOAD MP3 CyHiThePrynce-Dance.mp3
Summary: Fun song with a track by JUSTICE League
About Artist: CyHi the Pryne is one of the newer singees to Kanye’s GOOD Music label. He’s from Atlanta and while this song doesn’t show it, he’s has some really clever rhymes.
About Song: This song is of CyHi’s most recent mixtape Royal Flush 2. I really like this mixtape (you can download it free here) so if you’re looking for some new music definitely check it out. This song was produced by JUSTICE League which is an awesome group of producers.
Favorite Part:
I really like CyHi but the JUSTICE Leagaue track is the best part of the song
CyHi the Prynce Wikipedia
J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League Wikipedia
Download Royal Flush 2


Good Production, R&B, ,