Posts in Category/Tag: Alicia Keys

Pharrell – Know Who You Are (ft. Alicia Keys)

March 6th, 2014

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Summary: Pharrell’s new album G I R L was a bit  of a let down but I like this track.
About Artist:  Pharrell Williams is the hip hop producer, suave singer, style trendsetter, super talented musician extrodinaire. Alicia Keyes is a R&B queen (also a talented musician and piano player).
About Song: This song is off of Pharrell’s recently released album G I R L. The album was only 10 tracks and was a bit of a let down but how could it not be with such high expectations. Happy was of course the lead single from the album but along with that and this Alicia Keys track  track I really liked the outro ‘It Girl’ .

Favorite Part:
Though it’s a little repetitive I really like the hook especially when Alicia Keys sings it. It’s easy listening and it makes me feel good.

Pharrell Wikiepedia
Aicia Keys Wikipedia

Female, Pop Hop, R&B, , ,