Kanye West – Blood on the Leaves #Summer2013

October 1st, 2013

KanyeWest-BloodOnTheLeavesKanyeWest-BloodOnTheLeaves Audio Player
DOWNLOAD MP3 KanyeWest-BloodOnTheLeaves.mp3
Summary: #Summer2013 is a recap of the songs that made the summer of 2013 one of the best ever. Yeezus was one of the great albums of the summer, my favorite track on the album was ‘I’m In It’ posted previously here.
About Artist: Kanye West is my favorite. While he is known mostly for his personality the music he creates is always interesting and often unparalleled. He’s not afraid to try new things and yet somehow consistently creates really great music.
About Song: This is a track off of his sixth studio album ‘Yeezus’ which dropped the same day as J. Cole’s Born Sinner. Kanye said that lot of the Yeezus album was expression frustration and you can definitely here that in this song.

Favorite Part: 

I love the Strange Fruit Sample, and then when the horns drop at 1:08.
The intro is really one of my favorite parts the whole piano and the
“I just need to clear my mind now
It’s been racin’ since the summertime
Now I’m holdin’ down the summer now
And all I want is what I can’t buy now
Cause I ain’t got the money on me right now”
Plus the song just really captures a story and emotion of a breakup like that.

Kanye West Wikipedia
Yeezus Wikipedia
