Justin Timberlake – TKO (Black Friday Remix)(J. Cole, A$AP Rocky, Pusha T)

March 1st, 2014

JustinTimberlake-TKOBlackFridayRemixJColeASAPRockyPushaTJustinTimberlake-TKOBlackFridayRemixJColeASAPRockyPushaTAudio Player
DOWNLOAD MP3 JustinTimberlake-TKOBlackFridayRemixJColeASAPRockyPushaT.mp3
Summary:  Not New, still good.
About Artist: Nothing to say today. This is just a good hip hop improvement on a pop song.
About Song: This was a song I mean to post a while ago. Was probably bumping this most in December 2013 (maybe earlier?) This sons is just a better version of JT’s original TKO

Favorite Part:
Reminds me of the raw fcking power of just being in love.

TKO Remix Lyrics (via RapGenius)
Justin Timberlake Wikipedia
J. Cole Wikipedia
A$AP Rocky Wikipedia
Pusha Wikipedia


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