Daft Punk – Touch (ft. Paul Williams) #Summer2013

September 27th, 2013

DaftPunk-TouchftPaulWilliamsDaftPunk-TouchftPaulWilliams Audio Player
DOWNLOAD MP3 DaftPunk-TouchftPaulWilliams.mp3
Summary: #Summer2013 is a recap of the songs that made the summer of 2013 one of the best ever. Random Access Memories was a great album so here’s a post to all the songs I couldn’t fit from the album. This song in particular holds a special place in my heart.
About Artist: Daft Punk is an electronic duo, pretty super famous. Paul Williams is some old school song writer who wrote hits such as “The Rainbow Connection” the theme to the loveboat and more.
About Song: Random Access Memories was a great ablum! My favorite song on the album was Lose Yourself to Dance which I posted here on gregshiphop earlier, Get Lucky was also pretty awesome, obviously. After those 2 songs there were 3 others that I really liked that all played in succession on the album Touch, Instant Crush, Within.
Favorite Part:
This song (and the 2 songs that followed Instant Crush, and Within) really spoke to me and reached a special place in my heart at the time.

I like how the ‘kiss’ at 2:31 brings the song alive. This song just captures so many emotions.

Daft Punk Wikipediak
Paul Williams Wikipedia
Random Access Memories
