Kanye West – New Slaves #Summer2013

October 1st, 2013

KanyeWest-NewSlavesKanyeWest-NewSlaves Audio Player
DOWNLOAD MP3 KanyeWest-NewSlaves.mp3
Summary: #Summer2013 is a recap of the songs that made the summer of 2013 one of the best ever. Yeezus was one of the great albums of the summer, my favorite track on the album was ‘I’m In It’ posted previously here <– CHECK IT OUT.
About Artist: Kanye West is my favorite. While he is known mostly for his personality the music he creates is always interesting and often unparalleled. He’s not afraid to try new things and yet somehow consistently creates really great music.
About Song: This track was the first song off of his sixth studio album ‘Yeezus’ which dropped the same day as J. Cole’s Born Sinner. This song grew on me and while I’m still not crazy about the beat the lyrics say things that for whatever reason other rappers don’t say.
Favorite Part:
This song is all about the lyrics and message for me. I don’t care about the beat so much. CHECK OUT THE LYRICS HERE. Highlights…

“Y’all niggas can’t fuck with Ye
I’ll move my family out the country
So you can’t see where I stay
So go and grab the reporters
So I can smash their recorders
See they’ll confuse us with some bullshit
Like the New World Order
Meanwhile the DEA
Teamed up with the CCA
They tryna lock niggas up
They tryna make new slaves
See that’s that privately owned prison
Get your piece today” (2:00-2:22)

This song prompted the ACLU to create to create a RapGenius account to explain and comment on the line about the CCA (Corrections Corporation of America)

Kanye West Wikipedia
Yeezus Wikipedia
New Slave Lyics (via RapGenius)
