Sade – Flower of the Universe (No I.D. Remix)
March 21st, 2018DOWNLOAD MP3 Sade-FloweroftheUniverseNoIDRemix.mp3
Summary: Sade is baaack.
About Artist: Sade is member of R&B and Soul royalty. After a many many year hiatus she is back with a few new songs for the new Wrinkle in Time movie. . No I.D. is a prolific producer who has worked a lot with Kanye West and Jay-Z
About Song: This song is so beautiful and intense. It was made to be on the soundtrack for A Wrinkle in Time. This version of the song is a No I.D. remix.
Favorite Part: I love the way the song builds. All of the ooohs in the background.
“When you smile the stars align” -1:13
Sade Wikipedia
No I.D. Wikipedia