Posts in Category/Tag: Mayer Hawthorne

Tuxedo – Do It

January 23rd, 2015

Tuxedo-DoItTuxedo-DoItAudio Player
DOWNLOAD MP3 Tuxedo-DoIt.mp3
Summary: Hooray for Friday!
Do you love Uptown Funk but can’t stand to listen to it one more time?
About Artist: Tuxedo is one part white soul boy Mayer Hawthorne, one part underground hip hop producer Jake One. They recently came together to form Tuxedo and plan to put out a debut album later this year.
About Song: This really gets at the disco vibe at the heart of Tuxedo. With Uptown Funk getting so much play time I thought now would be a good time to share this track.
Favorite Part: I love that funky disco vibe. Ain’t no reason why this song isn’t all over the radio.
Mayer Hawthorne Wikipedia
Jake One Wikipedia

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